It is almost 11 am and the headline is gone from the web page of the paper... There have been over 1100 responses, some nasty---.
One of them caught my eye: here it courtesy of the GRAB program on my computer:
For one, ALL people born in Puerto Rico are American Citizens... It is not a state but is an American Territory. I guess this is something people in Houston don't learn in high school. I will have to make sure my students know about this when we start school this fall.
For another... why so much hate? A few days ago my daughter was flying back from LA and two women in their 60s were sitting in front of her. One was white and one was black. They were talking about one of them moving to Houston. After a few minutes their conversation became much softer... when one of them said the word "illegals."
Considering these women are on the brink of needing their Social Security benefits, it might be good for them to know they are only getting their checks because of the billions of dollars undocumented people have left in the social security fund. If you are not a legal resident, you cannot use the money you put it, but if you work on a salary in the U.S. you are obligated to put part of your salary in the fund... Undocumented workers have kept our social security system afloat. Too bad so many people don't know that, kind of like so many don't know that all people born in Puerto Rico are American citizens.
Did the Houston Chronicle change its headline because of all those people who are mis-informed?
Fox News is in a big campaign to discredit Sonia Sotomayor, using the most Idiotic Republican Clowns, that are presented like Great Jurists and Experts. ( interviewed by Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, etc ..)
The Kernel and Nucleus of American Politics is Race and Racism, or in other words Minorities and the Destiny of Minorities. Everything revolves around Minorities, like planets around the sun.
Enter Fox News and you are hypnotized, mesmerized, suggested and hinted, nonstop 24hours/7days :
That Minorities are lazy, that they live on Welfare, that American Values are destroyed by Minorities. That Western Civilization is doomed if Minorities have some Progress. That Minorities and Foreigners are incapable of Civilization ( Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly ), that Mexicans, Latinos, Africans, etc ... are dangerous lepers with syphilis and other venereals.
They do not tell those lies outright but are always suggesting them in the most Hyprocrital way.
Some people like Glenn Beck speak as if they were the owners of "God" and with a very personal relation to "God" .... and I use quotes for "God" because that is not a Good God but an idiot God created by the deranged mind of a child that was raised in a dysfunctional family as Glenn Beck candidly admits. There may be a Good God, but that is not the God of Fox News Hyprocritally promoted by Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly, etc ...
Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes are most boring, even if they are not so stupid and idiotic as the other mentioned guys. Unfortunately Charles and Fred use their intelligence and culture to be boring, tiring. With all due respect I call Charles and Fred, the Mummy and the Zombie.
One rare and extraordinary day Juan Williams ( the Black Guy ) spoke up against them and stood up to say that Republicans were degenerating into a White Race Party that did not understand Minorities.
My opinion of Juan Williams changed 180 degrees after that speech. I know that Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes are highly respected in American Journalism. But for me they are dead corpses with a lot of cobwebs. I do not dislike them like Glen, or Bill, or Sean, or Laura. But my only use for Charles and Fred is to combat insomnia.
Vicente Duque