Friday, July 31, 2009

Bad Words on Race

Whoever says that race hatred has gone away now that Obama is President, is wrong. It is all over Texas - (in the suburbs and rural areas), and unfortunately in Boston. See this video related to the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates.

Perhaps the Houston Fire Department should learn from how Boston is handling their current racial crisis..


1 comment:

  1. Ed Schultz, Fine Gentleman of TV and his Intelligent viewers and commentators about his show - Intelligent America speaks out against Imbecility :

    I extract some of the best comments of Ed's Viewers on Glenn Beck and Fox News, very intelligent Comments, a great pleasure to read them !

    Ed says blog : The OpEd: Should Glenn Beck apologize for calling President Obama a racist?

    Some excerpts from Ed's Viewers and their wonderful ( not always ) comments :

    Posted by Rex, Moorhead :

    "Glenn Beck is one of those brave Fox News commentators that wraps himself up in the flag but never spent a day on active duty much less in a combat zone where real enemies shoot back with real guns and bombs. His bravery to his country is on par with Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity having the distinction of having never served a day on active duty yet acting like they are the friends of the military wrapping themselves up in the flag."

    "Funny none of them have left their multi-million dollar jobs so they could join the military. They also bravely took those Bush tax cuts during a time of war such is their notion of sacrifice."

    Posted by Ron, Indianapolis, In :

    "Glenn Beck as are most of his friends at Fox flag wavers. they ralley around the flag until it is time to defend it. Then they pull out their check books and give donations that they get back at the end of the year. yes this is a great Nation. what other country would you be able to dodge the draft, snort drugs, traffic drugs, and trash the President a racist on television in front of maybe millions of viewers and continue to make a living and a damm good one at that. Only Sean, Glenn, and Rush could pull that off. One more thing, in what other country could you get 5 draft deferals and later as vice president send others children off to fight and die ?"

    Posted by Esther R. Pinkston Camden, NJ :

    "Have people forgotten that President Obama is one half White? How is it that in our national language and definitions related to race we fail to acknowledge that?

    In our thoughts and national language if a person is one half Black and one half White, we almost uniformly categorize that person as being Black or bi-racial but never, not in our wildest dreams, do we say that person is White. Why is that Ed?"

    "Pres. Obama is equally White as Black. What is in our thinking, our concepts and dialogues about race that we seemingly, cannot even conceive of the idea that Pres. Obama is a White man? Is it because we, as a people, still believe in the tenets of White superiority that dictate maintaining the "purity of White race/blood" such that one drop of Black makes the person Black? Isn't that racist thinking?"

    "Please help me understand why we persist in subscribing to the "one drop rule". Isn't that subscribing to racist thinking at a core and fundamental level? Not until we, starting with thinkers in the media and academia, begin a national discourse that de-constructs the myths, and meanings about race, will we ever move past the potential and probability of continued misunderstandings and inflammatory race speech."

    Collection of Videos of Great TV Ladies and Gentlemen against the Racists and Fox News :

    Vicente Duque
