Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 14 - Tea Party Scheduled Against Immigration -

From the

Hispanic / Latino Anti-Defamation Coalition SF

Dear Hispanic/Latino communities and friends: even though we expected it, this are really bad news. The vicious and racist anti-immigrant groups headed by: ALIPAC (William GheenPresident, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, Director, Tea Party Against Amnesty) are well funded, well organized, in full force, and well ahead in their aggressive and racist anti-immigration campaigns with large protests nation-wide: Teabagger's website scheduled for Saturday Nov.14th 2009

We must find a way to show counter-protests! These racist events will take place all over the country, even Alaska has joined!
- In California alone there are 10 events scheduled! Including San Francisco (Location: Fisherman's Wharf Pier 39 Times: 11 AM - 2 PM), San Diego (Location: 50 Tuna Lane 'Tuna Harbor Park across from the USS Midway' Times: 11am - 1pm,); and to add more insult this racist groups scheduled an event in Sacramento's CESAR CHAVEZ PARK!!! (Location: 10th & J Street 'Downtown Sacramento Cesar Chavez Park' Times: 12 Noon - 3pm)

"On their shameful actions against a National Health Plan during Town Hall Meetings, there weren't many demonstrations to counter-protest these extremists' misleading statements and outright lies, the same thing must not happen now, not again, WE MUST BE THERE TO COUNTERACT THEIR HATEFUL LIES" -- Aurora Grajeda (HLADC-SF)

"We plan to hold larger scale operations in the Spring of 2010 and these events in 2009 are our warm up operations." - Said the racist: william gheen, ALIPAC

Tea Party Against Amnesty and Illegal Immigration Nov. 14 (ROUND 1)"
President Obama along with Republican and Democrat DC insiders are
preparing a mass 'Comprehensive' Amnesty for illegal immigrants in
America that will provide a path to citizenship and turn illegal aliens
into voters even though a vast majority of Americans oppose this. This will only bring more
It is time for Americans of every race, religion, and political party to
unite and make it
OUR MISSION to stop amnesty, stop and reverse illegal immigration, and place America back in the hands of We The People.

List of cities where they claim to have protests planned:


  1. I would be glad to debate, but the rules are that no one is called an idiot. I wouldn't call you one and expect that type of respect from you.

  2. Good answer Prof., since when, or, when does a debate starts with an insulting and dismissive characterization of the opposition?

    No wonder RandomCookie will be at this kind of protest, amazing, just amazing.

  3. Excuse Randomcookie if he called you an idiot, but I think his point is there exists a huge opposition to amnesty and/or providing government subsidized healthcare to illegal aliens...and this large majority obviously disagree with you. When it seems that either of those is really close to passing, you'll see that majority present itself.

  4. It would be good to know just how many people are against immigration policy reform AND where people get information about how immigrants affect U.S. society.

    If you get a chance, read the short column written by Matias R. in today's dreamacttexas post.

  5. I'm in awe and loss of words which would convey how my mind interprets these comments, to call somebody an idiot, in my book, translates to saying that somebody is an idiot.

    But how lucky can we get, Anonymous provides a translation.

    They live in a fantasy world created by ultra-right-wing-media pundits who spew false, or at best, misleading information and the flock of people who listen to them just regurgitate them as facts, without in as much, do research to verify for accuracy.

    I read Matias article, but Anonymous will not do it, he is conditioned on a daily basis to not check other sources, and he, bobjon38 and many others, dutifully follow the instructions.

    Below are comments I've been exchanging today on my profile, others are comments on a video I uploaded (Will send email later with more details on the content of the video), all he needs to do is go to his side's website, as I suggested, and see that I'm telling the truth, his response?

    Whatever. (hint that means I don't believe your lying ass)

    My belief that most people have at least a degree of intelligence, keeps getting hammered with comments and statements which shake that tenet and makes me doubt it.

    Cihuamexica (1 hour ago)

    Let's see, I excluded them because... I brought them up?

    C'mon, be intellectually honest for a change, do you hear your people (Anti-Immigrants, ALIPAC, Dave Duke, the Minutemen, TEA Party people, Sean Hannity, Bill O'REilly, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingrams, Ann Coulter, forget it, they are legions to mention them all), talk about them sometimes? And in as nasty term as they do with Latinamericans? Eh? Eh? Eh?

    But no, you guys are not making any exceptions, we are. Jar, jar, jar - Quit your day job, I think that as comedian you have a great future.


    bobjon38 (1 hour ago)

    I never excluded anyone, you did.

    Cihuamexica (1 hour ago)

    You surely must be jesting, I don't hear you guys railing against undocumented immigrants from Europe, are you aware of the fact that there are tens of thousands of Irish immigrants who are undocumented immigrants in the US? And there are also from other European countries.
    How come you never demonize or dehumanize those? May it be because they are white?
    I'm sure you are aware of the ugly names you call, not only undocumented immigrants, but Mexicans, to many of you Mexican = Illegal, when in reality people come from all over Latinamerica and many of them are not Mexicans.
    This 'dumbass' thinks it is indeed about race and xenophobia and as proof I offer the fact that you exclude white illegals from your hate an intolerance.

    bobjon38 (3 hours ago)

    Its not about race dumbass, its about obeying the law.
