Saturday, December 19, 2009

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

The NYTs article below reports Gutierrez's introduction of CIR to the Congress.... the on-again off-again. This back and forth shows the country's ambivalence about immigration. People complain, but at the same time, many benefit from CIR not being passed. Middle class people enjoy being waited on at restaurants by undocumented workers. Working professional women have in house child care and feel "secure" about their children while they make their six figure incomes. But people still die in our detainment centers (i.e. concentration camps?) and guys like Luis Ramirez get beat up.

What is it about our ambivalence?

For one it keeps wages for immigrants low, and keeps the word illegal alive...

December 16, 2009 - New York Times

New Immigration Bill Is Introduced in House

The on-again, off-again drive to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws moved back to Congress on Tuesday with the introduction of legislation that would open a path to legal status for millions of illegal immigrants.

The bill, introduced by Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois, was seen as the opening volley in what Democrats and Republicans expect to be a hard-fought battle. President Obama has pledged to take up the issue early next year; efforts to overhaul the laws during George W. Bush’s presidency failed despite the backing of Mr. Bush and some Republicans. link to complete article

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