Monday, December 7, 2009

Please Help Rigoberto Padilla

Unfortunately, there are so many DREAMers in the same situation. But if you can, please help Rigoberto who came to the U.S. when he was six years old...

*From the faculty of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago:

Please help us. We only have 2 weeks left to act to prevent the deportation of our student and Latin American and Latino Studies major, Rigoberto Padilla. *
The faculty of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago is asking university faculty across the nation to join in a petition to halt the deportation of Rigoberto Padilla. Last winter, Rigo was arrested by the Chicago Police for a driving violation. While in police custody, his undocumented status was discovered by ICE officials, who charged him with entering the United
States without authorization in 1994 as a six-year-old child. While hismisdemeanor is _not_ a deportable offense, his deportation is now setfor December 16, 2009.
We are asking university faculty to sign an online petition requestingan administrative closure of his case. The online petitionautomatically sends faxes to the offices of Janet Napolitano (Secretaryof Homeland Security), John Morton (Director of I.C.E.), Senator Richard Durbin and Senator Roland Burris.

To sign an individual petition, please click on the following link:

For details on Rigo Padilla's case go to:

Please send this message to your colleagues. We urge you to act now as
Rigo's deportation is quickly approaching. We truly appreciate your

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