Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obama calls on Congress to work on immigration reform
By the CNN Wire Staff
May 6, 2010 -- Updated 1439 GMT (2239 HKT)


President Obama addresses immigration reform Wednesday at a Cinco de Mayo reception in White House Rose Garden.

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama on Wednesday called on Congress to work on comprehensive immigration reform this year, saying it would be the best way to fix the nation's broken immigration system.

Speaking at a Cinco de Mayo celebration at the White House, Obama again criticized the recently enacted Arizona immigration law as the wrong approach.

"The answer isn't to undermine fundamental principles that define us as a nation," Obama said to applause. He called instead for "common-sense comprehensive immigration reform."

In an apparent effort to clarify his comment last week that the political climate might be too difficult to take up immigration reform, Obama said Congress should begin work now on the to complete article

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