Tuesday, September 21, 2010

From University Leadership Initiative (ULI)

September 21, 2010
It's Not Over, the Battle Has Just Begun
Today, Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senator Durbin tried to attach the DREAM Act to the Defense Authorization Bill.  However, a vote to consider the Defense Authorization Bill failed, meaning the DREAM Act never got the vote it deserved.

Although today's vote on the defense bill was extremely disappointing, we are not giving up.  Repeatedly, our people have been told to wait, told that it is not the time.  Young people across the country got tired of waiting.  We got tired of staring at the college degrees adorning our walls.  Our collective work across the nation forced a vote, and we will continue to work to force a win.

Now it's time to hold people accountable.  To all the politicians who justified their 'no' vote today by saying they support the DREAM Act, but not as an amendment, we look for your leadership.  We hope that our very own Senator Hutchison, who has indicated she prefers a stand-alone, will do everything in her power to make the DREAM Act a reality. 

Please continue to take action.  Call Senate Majority Leader Reid, thank him for his efforts, and urge him to schedule the DREAM Act for a vote as a stand-alone bill immediately.


Dial: 1-202-224-3121 and ask to speak with Senator Reid:

"Hi I am calling to ask Senator Reid to schedule the DREAM Act as a stand-alone bill immediately.  Thank you."

Our work is not finished.  Our actions today will determine our future.

The University Leadership Initiative (ULI) harnesses the talents, abilities and determination of youth - particularly college students - to affect long-term change in a proactive manner. Specifically, ULI conducts outreach at local, state, and national levels toaddress the dilemma faced by young people who were brought to the United States years ago as undocumented immigrant children, but who have since grow up in the United States, have stayed out of trouble, and wish to continue their education on to college.

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