Sunday, October 10, 2010

About the TEA Party: Read This and Beware

It makes lots of sense that so many people are supporting the Tea Party movement.  With unemployment and foreclosures so high, how can you blame them.  Only trouble is that the message the Tea Party politicians are sending out are way way off base.* Gail Collins of the NYT write about what she calls the "dreadfulness meter," that gages  "which state is having the most terrible election this year."  She tells a scary story about what Sharron Angle did to the ghost town of Frankford, Texas - a town that "went out of existence around 1975."

Just to let you know, Frankford, Texas hasn't been around for a very long time.  The State of Texas Historical Association has a bit of its history.  Click here if you need to make sure there are no Muslims in Frankford and want to read on Frankford's history.

Personally I think a Muslim population would have made the town much more interesting; may would have even kept it alive.

see below:

Op-Ed Columnist:  Awful, Awfuler, Awfulest 

...Nevada won the contest because it has a high-profile race for the Senate in which voters seem to find both candidates so loathsome that neither incumbent Harry Reid nor his Republican opponent, Sharron Angle, wants to come out and campaign. The voters were tired of Reid, the powerful Senate majority leader, even before he attempted to run for re-election while his son was the Democratic gubernatorial nominee. Too many Reids! Really, Harry, if you wanted to pull something like this, you could have moved to Missouri.

Angle did make an appearance last week at a rally of Tea Party supporters in Mesquite, where she responded to a question about “Muslims wanting to take over the United States” by decrying the fact that Dearborn, Mich., and Frankford, Tex., were governed under Islamic law, called Sharia. Which, of course, they are not.

The Associated Press, which reported on this event, noted that while Dearborn does at least have “a thriving Muslim community,” it was not clear why Angle picked on Frankford, Tex., which did not seem to have many Muslims, and also went out of existence around 1975.

Nevada, you are the winner, and we appreciate the way you make the rest of us feel better about our own political woes.

“Wow! Texas did not make the list. Things are looking up,” wrote a grateful Texan.  “I can’t tell if this is a sign we’re improving or the rest of the country is going to hell,” wrote  


*p.s. Most of us are well aware that political parties are known for "fudging" -

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