Sunday, November 21, 2010

Diabetes & Alzheimer's - Watch Out

Since Diabetes seems to be the disease of preference for Latinos, we should all think twice before we indulge in our daily COKE's, hamburgers, and fajitas.  There are a number of reasons that Latinos generally develop Alzheimer's seven years before other people....

For those Latinos that don't have insurance or have lower levels of education, they are even more at risk.  For middle class Latinos the Diabetes is what will get us.

In case you are wondering why I keep writing about diabetes.... My brother at age 49 has had one leg amputated and is in a nursing home.  He developed diabetes in his 20s and didn't take his insulin.  He was not at risk for diabetes because of no insurance, low income or education level.  He had great insurance, was a fireman.  He had all the advantages of a solid middle class life.  He just didn't take seriously the risk.  Don't let that happen to you.

Los Angeles Times

Alzheimer's exacts a heavy toll among Latinos

Research shows they tend to get the condition almost seven years earlier than white Americans. The Alzheimer's Assn. calls the situation 'a looming but unrecognized public health crisis.'

"Limited access to medical care and health insurance, lower levels of education and income, and higher rates of high blood pressure and diabetes contribute to above-average risks for Alzheimer's among Latino seniors, experts say." to complete article

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