Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DREAM Act News - Hutchinson says there is no DREAM Act!

Senator Hutchison Denies Existence of DREAM Act,
Refuses to Meet with Hunger Strikers

On day 6 of the hunger strike in San Antonio, Texas, participants Pamela Resendiz, Lucina Martinez, Martha Quintanilla, Pastor John Fagans, and Felipe Vargas met with Senator Hutchison's State Director Andrea Ball, Julian Villarreal of the Harlingen office, and the San Antonio office director.
During that meeting, Andrea Ball, Senator Hutchison's state director, claimed that Senator Hutchison's position is that the DREAM Act does not exist as a bill, and that therefore there is nothing to support.

This is unacceptable. After countless meetings in-district and in Washington, DC, thousands of your phone calls, your hand written letters, your postcards, your emails, and your petition signatures that have been sent directly to the Senator's desk there is no denying that a DREAM Act bill exists. You can check it out for yourself at Thomas.gov bill number: S.3827 for the lame duck session and formally numbered S.729.

At this crucial point in time, the importance of the future of immigrant youth must not be played down and certainly the existence of a common sense solution must not be denied.

Despite the careless talking points given, the hunger strike participants are undeterred:

"We're confident that when we meet with Senator Hutchison in person, and show her the text of the bill as it exists, that she'll express support for the DREAM Act and the principles of hard work, dedication, and service," Pamela Resendiz, undocumented student and hunger striker.

We must do our part and hold Senator Hutchison accountable in her duty to represent our voice accurately in Washington, DC. Please join us in letting Senator Hutchison know that the DREAM Act (S. 3827) exists in the lame duck session and that we want her to support real, common sense legislation that puts America back to work. Please call Senator Hutchison at 1-866-996-5161. Please fax to 202-224-0776 at every opportunity.   

You can also sign the petition in support of the Hunger Strike participants here:

Coverage from last week Texas DREAM Actions!

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