Monday, November 22, 2010

For Women Only: Killer Heels

So you think high heels make you more attractive?  Well maybe they do when you ware 25, but when you hit 40 or 50, your bunions or other deformities you have on your feet will make you ugly.

Plus high heels do all sorts of other damage to your body.

Below are two articles about High Heels and their history....  why are these articles in a London paper and not in the Houston Chronicle?

A History of High Heels - The London Guardian

1.  They shorten your Achilles Tendon
2.  "Changes the position of your spine, putting pressure on nerves in the back"
3.  Pushes your center of gravity forward
4.  Causes Sciatica - creating numbness down your leg
5.  Even wearing them 1-2 a week still can cause serious problems
6.  Shortens and tightens your calve muscles
7.  Throw your whole body out of alignment

Are We Masochists? - London Independent

High heel horrors! The hidden cost to your body of those crucial extra inches

By Pat Hagan
Last updated at 3:56 PM on 9th September 2008
Daily Mail - London

More women are wearing higher heels, and for longer, and experts are increasingly concerned about the long-term damage they are doing to their feet.

Recent research suggests that up to a third of women suffer permanent problems as a result of their prolonged wearing of 'killer heels', ranging from hammer toes and bunions to irreversible damage to leg tendons.
Many of the problems - which can occur simultaneously - are caused by the increased pressure high heels put on the ball of the foot; the higher the heel, the greater the pressure. The knee and back can also be affected.

High heels in the form of stilettos first became popular in the Thirties, but while heels used to be largely 'special occasion' wear, thanks to the success of shows such as Sex And The City they have become de rigueur for every day.

One in ten women wears them at least three days a week, and a recent survey found a third had hurt themselves falling while wearing high heels.

There are other consequences, as consultant podiatric surgeon Mike O'Neill, spokesman for the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, explains: 'High heels make you raise your heel and as soon as you do that your centre of gravity is pushed forward.

'What happens then is you bend your lower back to compensate for this and that changes the position of your spine, putting pressure on nerves in the back.'

This can cause sciatica, a painful condition where nerves become trapped, triggering pain and numbness as far down as the feet. Another common problem, says O'Neill, is that the Achilles tendon - which runs up the back of the leg from the heel - becomes permanently damaged.

'This tendon is designed to be flexible, so the foot can lie flat or point. But many women who wear high heels too often suffer a shortening of the tendon because once the heel is pointed upwards, it tightens up. Stretching it again can be very painful.

'When you try to put your foot into flat shoes you get a lot of pain in the back of the heel. I've seen 70-year-olds still hobbling around in high heels because they can't put their feet flat any more, it's just too painful.'

Most women can avoid this by sticking to heels no higher than 1.5in, he adds. But 3in or more can shorten the Achilles tendon - and you don't have to be wearing them every day, just more than once or twice a week.

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