Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More on the DREAM Act

Bridget Johnson, Reid promises DREAM Act vote in lame duck

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, October 31, 2010, 
10/31/10 11:45 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) vowed on Spanish-language television to bring the DREAM Act back for a vote in the lame-duck session.
On the Univision program "Al Punto," Reid was repeatedly hammered by host Jorge Ramos on whether the vote would happen, win or lose on Tuesday.
"The answer is yes," Reid said.
"I have the right to do that, you know, I have the right to bring that up any time I want, that's why I brought it up the first time," he said. "I am a believer in our needing to do something. ... We all support the DREAM Act. I just need a handful of Republicans to help me."
Of the lack of Republican support he's received on the DREAM Act or comprehensive immigration reform, Reid said, "They want to keep talking about this issue, and I say it's demagoguery in its worst fashion and is unfair to the Hispanic community."
Reid said he was doing "fine" in his midterm campaign and "our polling is right where we want it to be."
"We believe that the Republicans know where we are, and that's why my opponent’s been so desperate doing some things that have been very, very, very mean spirited," he said.
He denounced Sharron Angle's ads, including one calling Reid "the best friend an illegal alien ever had," to be "totally without fact or foundation... some people have said they're racists; others can draw their own conclusion."
Reid said it was "pretty clear" that Democrats would hold onto control of the Senate on Tuesday.
"How many the numbers will be, we'll have to decide that on November 3rd, but we feel comfortable," he said.

thanks to Michael Olivas for sending this along...

1 comment:

  1. I support LEGAL immigrants having a path to citizenship. The illegals need to be removed from the country - either for violating immigration law, or violating tax law (after all, they cannot LEGALLY pay income taxes on whatever money they make).

    Any Illegal should be reported to the IRS and to ICE immediately.

    After they pay their fines/do their time, are deported, and come into the country legally, I'll welcome them with open arms!
