Friday, November 26, 2010

Tips for Those Wanting to go to College

DREAMers should still read this.  As Luis Perez at UCLA Law School shows, DREAMers can go to college.... it's when you graduate that the test will really come.  Let's see if Obama and Reid are true to their word - its time for them to get tough with the likes of Steve King and the re-invented anti-immigration John McCain.

As for everybody else wanting to go to college....  DEADLINES are super important.  Did you know that those with lower SAT's can get into the University of Houston if they apply before December 1?  After that you will be lucky if they pay attention to you...  This is the new form of "college selectivity."  -- They don't tell you "no" based on qualifications, you are told "no" based on when you sent in your application.  So get moving HS seniors... take control of your future.

----------Posted at 9:59 AM ET, 11/25/2010

Five Thanksgiving thoughts for the college-bound

By Craig Powell - Washington Post
Today's guest blogger is Craig Powell, a Brown graduate and CEO of ConnectEDU, a Boston firm chiefly known for helping high schools send application materials to colleges electronically.

As we reflect on the Thanksgiving holiday, those of us in the education field know that it is a week of thanks. We also know that with college deadlines looming in early December, many students are scrambling to get their applications in on time. Or, worse, they have already thrown in the towel on higher education, at least for the time complete WAPO article

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