Thursday, March 10, 2011

DREAMers in Maryland Fighting for College - U.S. Needs Skilled Workers

CNN is talking about a new study that says the U.S. is badly needing immigration of highly skilled workers.  Yet CNN forgets that there are hundreds of thousands of highly educated workers here in the U.S. who cannot worked... Those are DREAMers that have already finished college but as working as maids, clerks at grocery stores and in bakeries.  Why is it so difficult for the U.S. Congress to see that the answer to their need for highly skilled workers is partly answered by passing the DREAM Act.  


Md. Senate weighs bill to give in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 10, 2011; 12:19 AM

Giving undocumented immigrants in-state tuition benefits at Maryland colleges would violate federal law, send the wrong message to law-abiding immigrants and be unfair to taxpayers, state legislators opposed to the measure said Wednesday.

Opponents of the controversial legislation appeared outgunned in the Senate but vowed to fight on. A vote on the measure may come as early as Monday, after proponents crossed a procedural threshold late Wednesday evening.

"This is the most flawed piece of public policy I have ever, ever seen," said Sen. James Brochin (D-Baltimore County).

Proponents said it makes moral and practical sense to allow undocumented immigrants who attended Maryland high schools to pay the same tuition as their high school classmates who are legal residents or citizens.

The Supreme Court ruled decades ago that all children are entitled to a high school education up to the 12th grade, regardless of their legal status. Proponents want to make Maryland's colleges just as accessible, said Sen. Paul G. Pinsky (D-Prince George's)...more

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