Thursday, September 29, 2011

Diary: Back Again!

For college professors, life is generally governed by what you write and publish.  Blogs and Twitter don't count.  The writing has to be in 1) books published by academic presses or 2) journals published by academic presses.  This is how a college professor keeps her job.

For the past few months I have lived, breathed and slept a book I was writing.  This meant that 7 days per week I went up to a room I have behind my house and wrote and wrote and wrote.  I finished the book on August 16.  I started doing research on the book in December 2006.  It has been a long 5 years.  The last few months were frantic.  When you are writing a book you can't work 8-5 or you'll never finish it.  So I wrote until my fingers hurt.  I stopped cooking and hardly saw my mother...

By now you are probably very curious as to what this book is about.  Its about Jews in Mexico.  I don't mean Jews to arrived during World War II escaping the Holocaust.  I mean those who got there in the 1500s, trying to get away from the Inquisition.  It is a really interesting story, full of intrigue, false identities, and questionable (Catholic) religious beliefs.

Academic books take a long time to publish.  Don't look for this book until at least summer of 2013.

The book is one of the reasons that I have not written as much on the blog in 2011.  The second reason, as I noted in a previous post is that my brother passed away.

It has now been three months since my brother's death, and a month since I finished the manuscript to the book.

Its time to move forward, continue writing for DREAM ACT TEXAS, support DREAMers, and heighten our awareness about the health issues that not only plague the Latino community, but the entire human population (see post  UN calls summit on spread of 'lifestyle' diseases)

Thanks for your support and interest in DREAM ACT Texas.


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