Thursday, December 8, 2011

Español: Caravan for Peace Leader Asasinnated in Mexico

Asesinan a otro de Caravana por la Paz

Exigen esclarecer crimen de “Trino”; desaparecen otros dos activistas

Jueves 08 de diciembre de 2011 Silvia Otero, Adriana Covarrubias Reportera y corresponsales | El Universal
El líder comunero Trinidad de la Cruz Crisóstomo, Trino, fue hallado muerto ayer, luego de que el pasado martes cuatro hombres armados interceptaron la caravana del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad (MPJD), en Ostula, Michoacán, y se lo llevaron.

Además, se encuentran desaparecidos Eva Alarcón y Marcial Bautista de Valle, defensores de derechos ambientales y miembros del MPJD, plagiados el pasado martes cuando viajaban de Guerrero al Distrito Federal. MAS


Mexico violence claims another member of peace movement - Los Angeles Times

REPORTING FROM MEXICO CITY — Another member of a Mexican peace movement has been slain, the second such incident in less than two weeks (link in Spanish to El Universal).

Trinidad de la Cruz, a peasant activist, was kidnapped Tuesday by armed attackers in the state of Michoacan, his associates said (link in Spanish). His body, with four bullet wounds and an ear sliced off, was discovered about 24 hours later, the Milenio newspaper reported (link in Spanish).

De la Cruz, 73, was abducted as he rode with about 18 other activists in a caravan sponsored by the Movement for Peace With Justice and Dignity, an anti-violence organization led by poet Javier Sicilia. Members of the group said the attackers, whom they described as paramilitary forces, stole their cellular telephones, gaining access to data on scores of activists.

"We are not only worried about this, we are alarmed and indignant," Sicilia told reporters. "People who raise their voices for justice are in terrible security conditions."  MORE

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