Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Rules for Comments to dreamacttexas

As of today, there will be new rules for commenting on dreamacttexas. We still welcome any comments, they don't have to necessarily be pro-immigrant.

Unless you are a DREAMer, the new requirement is that you use your name and location. We know this may limit the number of people who are willing to post, but we feel that using "anonymous" only encourages hate speech.

DREAMers can continue post anonymously, if they distinguish themselves as such - but hate language from either side will not be tolerated.  We are aware that DREAMers need to remain anonymous because of safety reasons.

Again, DREAMers can post anonymously, but everyone else has to use their real name or we will not approve the post. If you choose to write something against the DREAM act or other immigration policy, just remember to be reasonable, back up what you say, and DON'T INSULT anyone.

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