Monday, May 4, 2009

Supreme Court Case on Using a False Social Security Number

The Roberts Court, known for its extreme Right Wing leanings, has ruled unanimously in favor of an undocumented immigrant (Ignacio Carlos Flores-Figueroa) who inadvertently used the social security number of another person, when he gave the number to his employer.  This is really great news for the millions of undocumented immigrants that have to use false social security cards in order to get jobs.  This is not to say it is OK to use someone else's number, but at least for the DREAMers, they won't be penalized for having used a fake SS# so they could work.

See  "Court Rules for Immigrant in ID Theft Case," Washington Post/AP, May 4, 2009


  1. One less tool for the Lice from ICE to use to deprive the immigrants of their rights.

  2. this is definitely great news. people need to understand that students need to work and sometimes we need to use someone elses or a nonexisting number to work. not because we want to but because we have no choice.
