Monday, May 4, 2009

U.S. Military Recruiting Targeting More Immigrants

U.S. Military recruitment officers in the LA area are expanding their inclusion of immigrants.  Those who are here on temporary visas or asylum orders are now eligible to enlist.  

The Army must be thinking "better to recruit immigrants than felons."  Before we blink, the DREAM Act will pass and our dear DREAMers will be on their way to Afghanistan.  Let's hope more DREAMers consider college than the military.

LA Times, May 4, 2009:

"starting today, 10 Los Angeles-area Army recruiting offices will begin taking applications from some foreigners who are here on temporary visas or who have been granted asylum."


  1. Marie-Theresa :

    You posted :

    Los Angeles Times, May 4, 2009:

    "starting today, 10 Los Angeles-area Army recruiting offices will begin taking applications from some foreigners who are here on temporary visas or who have been granted asylum."

    This is sheer madness - Go to murder people in these poor Islamic Countries Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan ( three Wars and many more waiting ! )

    And Minorities can be legally killed in America's territory, like in the Case of Luis Ramirez of Shenandoah Pennsylvania.

    This horrible coward terrorist murder left a woman Crystall Dillman alone with three children.

    In Nazi Germany it was perfectly legal to kill Jews or to rob them.

    Was it legal ?? --- Yes !
    Was it moral ?? ---- No !

    Vicente Duque

  2. The "Mission Accomplished" Generation
    Six Anniversary of the Most Famous Speech of the Third Millennium
    Shaping and modeling the neurons of kids

    Have you ever thought of this ??? :

    We have a New Generation of Children that are "Mission Accomplished"
    They watch every day on Television a War or many Proliferating Wars that never end.
    That means Eternal War, Eternal Revenge and Eternal Genocide.

    These children were 5 or 6 years old when the most famous speech of the Third Millinnium was given by George W. Bush on board of the "Abraham Lincoln" aircraft carrier.

    These children have been watching Television during the last six years, everyday they see a never ending conflict, always growing and expanding.

    According to Tom Ricks, the most prestigious analyst of the Washington Post, this conflict is going to last during the whole eight years of Mr Obama and beyond.

    And Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us that sending more troops only enrages the Islamists or Arabs or as many people think with overbearing arrogance "The Third Worlders".

    Can you imagine how the neurons of this young generation of "Mission Accomplishers" are shaped by the daily repetitious events on TV ??

    Nothing more natural than violence. Murder against Minorities has been legalized by courts, as in the acquittal of the Racist Murderers of Luis Ramirez, in July of 2008, in Shenandoah Pennsylvania.

    Now any gang of thugs can kick Minorities in the head while being on the ground, and kill them and that will be only an "accident". But that is legal only with "brownies" and "darkies".

    Here there is a lot of opportunity, work and research for Scientists in Universities. Lots of Money will be spent by investigators of children and adolescents.

    And those like me that are inveterate and unrepentant writers will have a lot of occupation for our many idle hours and during many years. We will never stop writing about the "Mission Accomplishers" and the "Mission Accomplished" Generation.

    If you want to see these videos of the Retired Military, other Experts and TV anchors then look here :

    Vicente Duque
