Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cell Phones and Your Life - Part III


Please don't text or talk on your cell when you drive
July 18, 2009, 12:00 pm
Should Cellphone Use by Drivers Be Illegal?
New York Times
By The Editors

An increasing number of studies show that driving while talking on a cellphone can be dangerously distracting. Yet most states have not barred handheld phones, and none have banned all drivers from using hands-free devices. (Half a dozen states and the District of Columbia prohibit driving while holding a phone; currently 14 states and the District of Columbia ban texting while driving.)

Some opponents say cellphone bans are simply not enforceable. Others argue that drivers do all sorts of distracting things while driving — like eating, arguing with kids in the back seat, listening to music — so it makes little sense to outlaw one activity.

We asked several experts how significant is the cellphone hazard? As a matter of public safety, should all cellphone use while driving be banned?

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