Sunday, March 8, 2009

Shame on the NYT: homosexuality and other abnormal obsessions?

In todays "Week in Review" - hidden deep inside the column "Word for Word" --- the NYT published tidbits about Hitler's atrocious manners at dinner.

None of this seems different than what we would expect, except that near the end, the writer, Thomas Vinciguerra clumsily forgot what the DSM IV (psychiatric diagnosis and statistical manual) changed a long time ago...that homosexuality is not a abnormal obsession.

Vinciguerra writes:

"The rumors about his [Hitler's] homosexuality and other abnormal obsessions were rumors and nothing more"

After all the ruckus in California about Proposition 8, you would think the NYT would know better...

See:  "Dinner with the Fuhrer," NYT, March 8, 2009


Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

the new york times was simply quoting from the reports that were sold at auction. the times was not saying hitler was gay. go back and read the article carefully and you will the paper did nothing wrong.

check out my blog post:

Marie-Theresa Hernández, PhD said...

The issue is not whether Hitler was homosexual... Vinciguerra's misstep was that he equated homosexuality with "other abnormal obsessions."