Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Senator Durbin Keeps 2 DREAMer Brothers From Deportation


Palatine brothers' deportation put on hold

A month ago, the Robles brothers of Palatine were designated for deportation and in danger of being plucked from promising college careers and sent back to their native Mexico as illegal immigrants.
Now, with the support of our U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and the Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center, Carlos and Rafael Robles have won a temporary reprieve from Homeland Security.

McCain blaming Immigrants for Fires


John McCain blames illegal immigrants for Arizona wildfires

Activists condemn remarks as 'scapegoating' as 10,000 people remain unable to return to homes due to persistent fires

Monday, June 20, 2011

DREAMers Win Freedom from Fear Awards

Freedom From Fear Awards: 'Coming Out' As Undocumented (VIDEO)

Huffington Post

MINNEAPOLIS -- Fifteen individuals and groups will be awarded $5,000 cash prizes at progressive conference Netroots Nation on Saturday evening, praising them for putting aside fear to push for changes in immigration enforcement and law.

The idea of the Freedom From Fear Awards was to honor men and women who had shown courage in standing up to immigration laws, said Michele Lord of the Public Interest Project, which came up with the prize. The group dug through 380 nominations. Some came from the other side of the aisle, such as a nomination for Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), who has pushed for tougher immigration enforcement. (He was not chosen.) One Republican, Utah businesswoman Antonella Packard, will get an award for her work with Bosnian Muslim immigrant communities and advocacy for the DREAM Act, which would give undocumented youths who graduate from college in the United States or serve in the U.S. military a pathway to citizenship.

Several of the awards will be given to young men and women, many of them undocumented, who have engaged in activism for immigration reform at the state and national level. They said "freedom from fear" meant standing up for what they believed in -- even if it meant risking deportation, violence or arrest -- by "coming out" as undocumented or speaking against injustices.

"As undocumented youth we are in a privileged position because we have a good image and a good story," said Tania Unzueta, who was arrested in July 2010 during a sit-in of Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) office in Washington, D.C. "I think what we've tried to do is use our image as students to also say, 'Look, we're still in deportation proceedings and in threat of deportation and getting arrested and criminalized.' For me it's always been about highlighting this contradiction."

Unzueta, Rigo Padilla and Reyna Wences, undergrad and graduate students at the University of Illinois-Chicago, will get one award for their work as founders of the Immigrant Youth Justice League.

The three students, along with others, engaged in protests in support of the DREAM Act in 2010, traveling to Arizona and the District of Columbia. In some ways, their statuses as undocumented students came in handy, allowing them to earn more sympathy than other undocumented people, they said.

Wences stressed that it is important for undocumented people to speak out so others do not feel alone. The student said that she struggled with depression and attempted suicide before "coming out" as undocumented, and therefore feels it is important to share her story. -link-

Huffington Post more on  , DREAM Act , Freedom From Fear Award , Dreamers , Netroots Nation , Politics News

New ICE Rules on Detention for Immigrants

New rules could spare some immigrants from deportation


June 20, 2011, 3:09PM

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton issued two new memos dated Friday designed to provide guidance to ICE employees on how and when they should exercise prosecutorial discretion by declining to enforce immigration law...
Read more: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7618722.html#ixzz1Pr9XUfLc

Global Pollution - and the death of fish

'Shocking' state of seas threatens mass extinction, say marine experts

London Guardian
Overfishing and pollution putting fish, sharks and whales in extreme danger – with extinction 'inevitable', study finds

Fish, sharks, whales and other marine species are in imminent danger of an "unprecedented" and catastrophic extinction event at the hands of humankind, and are disappearing at a far faster rate than anyone had predicted, a study of the world's oceans has found.

Mass extinction of species will be "inevitable" if current trends continue, researchers said.

Overfishing, pollution, run-off of fertilisers from farming and the acidification of the seas caused by increasing carbon dioxide emissions are combining to put marine creatures in extreme danger, according to the report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (Ipso)...more

Link to summary of report

Supreme Court throws out huge discrimination suit against Wal-Mart

The Supreme Court rules that the lawsuit, which claimed that Wal-Mart discriminated against 1.5 million female workers, did not qualify as a class action.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a huge class-action lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. that contended the retail giant had systematically discriminated against 1.5 million of its female workers.
By a 5-4 vote, the court said the entire suit must be ended because the plaintiffs could not show that Wal-Mart had a common policy of discriminating against women....more

Walmart sex discrimination class action rejected

Retail giant victorious in gender bias case as US supreme court rules against 1.6m workers' collective claims

Dominic Rushe in New York

Walmart plaintiff Betty Dukes speaks to the press in March 2011. Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters
The US supreme court has rejected the biggest sex discrimination case in history, ruling it was too large to bring to trial.

The massive gender bias case against retail giant Walmart claimed that 1.6 million of the firm's current and former employees were subject to discrimination. The suit began nearly 10 years ago when it was originally filed on behalf of employee Betty Dukes and five of her co-workers. The women claimed they had been passed over for promotions and paid less than male employees...more

In Spanish: Delay on decision regarding Georgia Anti-Immigration Law

Posponen decisión sobre suspensión de ley antiinmigrante en Georgia

La Jornada - Mexico City

La Ley HB87, promulgada el pasado 13 de mayo por el gobernador de Georgia, Nathan Deal, crea un agresivo marco legal para desalentar la inmigración ilegal en esa entidad.
Publicado: 20/06/2011 15:54

Dallas. Un juez federal en Atlanta, Georgia, pospuso hoy hasta nueva fecha, la decisión de si autoriza o no la entrada en vigor este próximo 1 de julio de una nueva ley antiinmigrante en esa entidad.

La nueva ley autoriza a la policía a exigir “papeles” a personas sospechosas de estar indocumentada en el país.
El juez federal Thomas Thrash, de la Corte de Distrito Norte de Georgia revisó este lunes en una audiencia la demanda que fue interpuesta por organizaciones defensoras de los derechos civiles y apoyada con mociones de México y otros países, para que se suspenda la entrada en vigor del estatuto, mientras se analiza su inconstitucionalidad.

La Ley HB87, promulgada el pasado 13 de mayo por el gobernador de Georgia, Nathan Deal, crea un agresivo marco legal para desalentar la inmigración ilegal en esa entidad, siguiendo el ejemplo de la SB1070 de Arizona.

La HB87, autoriza a las policías locales cuestionar a cualquier persona sobre su estatus migratorio cuando exista alguna “causa probable”, como una violación de transito u otra infracción que dé pie a indagar al sospechoso.

La nueva norma habilita también a los agentes de policía a detener a quien encuentren en violación de las leyes de inmigración y conducir a los indocumentados en calidad de arrestados a las cárceles estatales o federales.

La propuesta prohíbe a las dependencias o empleados estatales de Georgia el conceder algún servicio de beneficencia pública a los inmigrantes indocumentados, incluyendo el de ayuda en alimento a madres solteras y lactantes.

La medida también establece nuevos requerimientos para la contratación de empleados y fija sanciones a quienes sean sorprendidos transportando o albergando inmigrantes indocumentados, sin importar si la persona es un hermano, un padre o un hijo.

La Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) y el Centro Legal para la Pobreza del Sur, interpusieron el pasado ocho de junio, una demanda contra la ley, argumentando su inconstitucionalidad y pidieron al juez suspender de manera temporal la entrada en vigor del estatuto, en tanto decide sobre la validez constitucional de la ley...mas

UK Immigration - Detainees held too long

UK - Immigration detainees held for 'excessively long' periods – watchdog

Harmondsworth under spotlight for holding detainees as long as three years at a cost of £110 a night, says IMB report
Ministers have been warned by an official immigration watchdog of the "excessively long" periods, including cases of more than three years, that detainees are being held at Europe's largest removal centre.

A "snapshot" taken last December showed that 35 detainees at Harmondsworth removal centre, near Heathrow airport, had been waiting more than 12 months to be deported, including seven who had been waiting more than two years.
Harmondsworth's officially appointed independent monitoring board (IMB) said one man had been held in detention for three years and seven months at a cost of £110 a night. The bill is already more than £144,000.

"This is not only emotionally costly to detainees but expensive for the taxpayer," says the IMB's annual report to the immigration minister, Damian Green. It adds that the latest national figures show that as of 3 March, 170 detainees around the country have been held more than two years waiting for their removal....more

Deadly Travel for Migrants Going Through Mexico

Migrants run Mexican gauntlet to make leap of faith to US

London Guardian

Massacre in Tamaulipas by Zetas drugs cartel fails to stem tide of Central Americans risking el brinco – the jump across Mexico
"About 300,000 migrants pass through Mexico each year, the vast majority Central Americans, but keeping track of them is impossible, said Flora Reynosa, head of a state office in Guatemala City tasked with defending migrants' human rights. Kidnapping had become a plague, she said.

Families trek to Reynosa's little office to supply names of missing relatives. That morning a father had registered the disappearance of a son who left in February, with no word since."...more

Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Spanish: Questions about Mexico's Real Objective in Narco War

Destaca esfuerzos de campaña de ONG para detener las agresiones a los indocumentados

Fernando Camacho Servín
Periódico La Jornada - Mexico City
Domingo 19 de junio de 2011, p. 12

A diferencia de otras iniciativas similares, la campaña Por el derecho a migrar sin violencia reúne esfuerzos coordinados de una gran cantidad de individuos y colectivos para detener las agresiones contra los indocumentados en su paso por el país, afirmó el obispo Raúl Vera en entrevista con La Jornada, e indicó que mediante acciones se busca sensibilizar a las sociedades y gobiernos de México, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos para terminar con ese problema.
Respecto a la guerra de Felipe Calderón contra el crimen organizado, el obispo consideró que no es más que una farsa que en realidad pretende crear un perímetro de seguridad para Estados Unidos, que incluya el control de los flujos migratorios de América Latina hacia el norte.

La ventaja que tenemos ahora es que esta campaña la hemos asumido un conjunto de asociaciones para frenar el terror, las torturas y el sufrimiento que padecen los migrantes durante su paso por México. Estamos distribuyéndonos el trabajo en comisiones, y nos estamos reuniendo de forma más ordenada y con una visión de prospectiva, explicó el religioso.

Los grupos participantes en este esquema tenemos mucha esperanza de hacer algo, porque estamos decididos a poner todos los medios a nuestro alcance para detener la violencia. No podemos seguir tolerando la impunidad y la complicidad entre los criminales y las autoridades, que es lo más indignante de todo.

Tras advertir que la recién aprobada ley de migración sigue criminalizando y persiguiendo a los indocumentados, Vera señaló que siguen sin atenderse las causas estructurales de la migración forzada: la pobreza y la falta de opciones dignas de vida, por lo que llamó a cambiar cuanto antes el modelo económico vigente...mas


The New Latino South - Los Angeles Times - June 19, 2011

Fewer hands in the fields

photo by BF

"Labor contractor Don Pedro — like farmers across Georgia — is worried that the state's tough new immigration law is scaring away an illegal immigrant workforce....

Don Pedro — like farmers across Georgia — is worried that the state's tough new immigration law, set to take effect July 1, is scaring away an illegal immigrant labor force."

see DREAM Act Texas post:

Obama Refuses to Meet with Undocumented DREAMers

At Netroots Nation, Felipe Matos of the Trail of Dreams caught White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer in two lies, yesterday: (1) Obama "hears from DREAM Act Students all the time," and (2) Obama "does not have the executive authority [to stop the deportations of DREAMers]."
The first lie is probably the greatest disrespect to the migrant youth movement. It is not widely known that Obama refuses to meet with undocumented people himself. Undocumented youth have certainly confronted him at public events, but Obama refuses to meet with undocumented people to talk with them about an immigration system that is doing violence to them.
Felipe Matos would know that Obama refuses to meet with undocumented people because he himself walked 1,500 miles from Miami, FL, to Washington, D.C. only to be denied a meeting with Obama. Obama has met with currently documented former DREAMers, but not with undocumented youth themselves. Felipe himself makes this clear in the video, only to be dismissed by Pfeiffer:
Felipe Matos: He has spoken to people who are not DREAM Act-eligible, people who are not undocumented, because he has made it very clear that he doesn't want to talk to undocumented people.
Dan Pfeiffer: I don't think that's accurate.
Felipe Matos: I mean I was in meetings with Valerie Jarrett when she told me that so I know it's accurate.
Netroots Nation (17 June 2011)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

From University Leadership Initiative Re: Sanctuary City Bills

Join Us on June 20th at the Public Hearing for SB 9 and HB 9
Dear Supporter,

On Monday, June 20th, the Texas House State Affairs Committee will hold hearings on SB9, HB9, both are "sanctuary city" bills. If SB9 or HB9 are passed they would have a negative impact on the economy, public safety and the immigrant community. We cannot allow the Texas legislature to support these or any bills that negatively affect Texas and our communities.
Thanks to you, we were able to defeat similar anti-immigrant bills in the regular session but we need your testimony and your help more than ever.  
Please come join us on June 20th at the public hearing for SB9 and HB9, take a stand against anti-immigrant bills and make your voice heard.  State Affairs Committee is expected to convene upon adjournment of the House sometime in the afternoon or evening. If you would like to testify on this bill, the hearing will be held in: JHR 140 (John H. Reagan Building on the northwest grounds of the capitol).  
You can also call, e-mail and fax the House State Affairs Committee members TODAY and ask them to vote NO on SB9 and HB9.
House State Affairs Committee
Chair: Byron Cook (R-Corsicana/Palestine)
Phone: 512-463-0730
Fax: 512-463-2506
Vice-Chair: Jose Menendez (D-San Antonio)
Phone: 512-463-0634
Fax: 512-463-7668
Tom Craddick (R-Midland/Lamesa/Crane)
Phone: 512-463-0500
Fax: 512-463-7722
John Frullo(R-Lubbock)
Phone: 512-463-0676
Fax: 512-463-0072
Pete Gallego(D-Alpine/Pecos/Fort Stockton/Del Rio/Uvalde)
Phone: 512-463-0566
Fax: 512-236-9408
Charlie Geren(R-River Oaks/Ft. Worth/White Settlement/Saginaw)
Phone: 512-463-0610
Fax: 512-463-8310
Patricia Harless(R-Spring/Houston)
Phone: 512-463-0496
Fax: 512-463-1507
Harvey Hilderbran (R-Kerrville/Brady/Coleman/Eden/Santa Anna)
Phone: 512-463-0536
Fax: 512-463-1449
Dan Huberty(R-Kingwood/Houston/Atascocita/Channelview/Crosby)
Phone: 512-463-0520
Fax: 512-463-1606
Rene Oliveira(D-Brownsville/Port Isabel/Laguna Vista/Los Fresnos)
Phone: 512-463-0640
Fax: 512-463-8186
John Smithee (R-Amarillo/Hereford/Canyon)
Phone: 512-463-0702
Fax: 512-463-7016
Burt Solomons(R-Carrollton/Dallas/Lewisvile)
Phone: 512-463-0478
Fax: 512-463-2089
Sylvester Turner(D-Houston)
Phone: 512-463-0554
Fax: 512-463-8380
Texas Security depends on Community Security
*   Local or State law enforcement agencies must not enforce federal immigration laws.
*   In Texas, the success of our local police departments is based on the trust and cooperation of all members of our community, independently of immigration status.
*   Alienating any sector of our community from law enforcement is not good for Texas and is not good for our security.
The unfunded mandate of enforcing federal immigration laws is a burden on local tax-payers.
*   Texas law enforcement is already feeling the negative impacts of the economic downturn. 
*   Any state laws that put us on the path of enforcing federal immigration laws will create an additional unfunded mandate on law enforcement departments, as well as be a tax burden for our municipalities and counties during budget deficit years creating an additional burden for us, the local tax-payers.
Immigration enforcement proposals take away the discretion of local law enforcement agencies to define their own priorities.
*   It is the responsibility of law enforcement officials to set priorities and regulations for their departments.
*   Allowing individuals officers to make that choice will open the door to rogue actions and abuse, undermine the authority of their supervisors and create inconsistent standards in the enforcement of the law.
HB 9 
Representative Burt Solomon 512-463-0478
HB9 would eliminate so called 'sanctuary cities' by preventing any government subdivision from prohibiting their employees from doing immigration work.
SB 9
Senator Tommy Williams 512-463-0104 
SB 9 would eliminate so called 'sanctuary cities' by preventing certain governmental entities from prohibiting their police from doing immigration work. SB 9 would also give the Department of Public Safety the right to act as immigration agents when issuing Texas Driver Licenses and Identifications.
A special thanks to RITA and Texas Residents United for a Stronger Texas (TRUST) for their support in the drafting of this action alert.


University Leadership Initiative
Follow us @ULItx 

Trouble for Arizona Right Winger

In Arizona, Sponsor of Immigration Law Now Faces a Recall

Enough signatures have been gathered by opponents for a recall vote on Russell Pearce, president of the Arizona Senate.

Power, Sex, & Silence

Antony and Cleopatra*

See an interesting video on the relationship between

Sex and Power:  Not a Love Story; Part I

Sex and Power:  Not a Love Story Part II

This English language program was recorded France - aired on May 20, 2011.

More recent articles on former IMF head, Strauss Kahn's arrest

Strauss-Kahn 'claimed immunity' upon arrest
 France24   6-17-2011

Court Papers Detail Strauss-Kahn’s Statements After Arrest

By    New York Times - Published: June 16, 2011    

*The photo above is from a leather hanging located in Dunster Castle in the UK.  While Marc Antony is crowning Cleopatra, he is also holding her hand.  What does he want?...MTHdz

A Web Documentary on Global Warming

From Rio to Copenhagen - from France24

see photos and watch interviews on the status of Global Warming.  Media outside the U.S. often gives a more realistic perspective

U.S. Pledges to Raise Deportation Threshold

In Spanish: U.S. Continues to Deploy Troops on U.S.-Mexico Border

La Jornada - Mexico City

Washington amplía permanencia de tropas en frontera con México

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional señaló que el gobierno extenderá el despliegue temporal de las fuerzas hasta el 30 de septiembre, con el objetivo de contener el tránsito hacia el norte y el tráfico ilegal hacia el sur.
Publicado: 17/06/2011 12:55

In Spanish: Agriculture Fearing New Anti-Immigration Laws

Charlotte (EFE) —  Los legisladores de Carolina del Sur debaten un proyecto de ley que requiere a todas las empresas comprobar la legalidad de los empleados mientras, sectores de la economía como el agrícola muestran su preocupación por la falta de mano de obra...

Alabama's Anti-Immigration Law Moves Ahead

Alabama enacts anti-illegal-immigration law described as nation's strictest

Los Angeles Times - June 18, 2011

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley signs a bill that, among other things, bars illegal immigrants from enrolling in or attending college; prohibits them from applying for or soliciting work; and makes it illegal to rent them property...

Friday, June 17, 2011


Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11061372 (posted Jun. 13, 2011)" 
Monday, June 13, 2011
George Tzamaras / Amanda Walkins
202-507-7649 / 202-507-7618

SAN DIEGO, CA - The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) will award United We Dream with the 2011 Advocacy Award for the group's outstanding efforts in support of positive immigration legislation, specifically the DREAM Act. 

In State Tuition for Pennsylvania

 A Philadelphia newspaper announced that Rep. Tony Payton, D-Phila, has introduced what he calls the Dream Act for Pennsylvania

Diabetes and Soft Drinks

CDC: Teens still drink milk, but one in four high school students drink soda every day

More teens drink water, milk or fruit juice each day than drink soda, according to a new report from the CDC. Still, one in four high school students report drinking at least one serving of soda (or pop) each day. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)


Chocolate milk vs. OJ - LA Times

LAUSD is right to ban chocolate and other flavored milks. But they weren't the only sugary drinks on school menus — a cup of orange juice has nearly the same amount of sugar, and one-fourth the protein...

Diary: Driving as Freedom

June 17, 2010

Dunster, UK

I had a dream once that my car was destroyed.  I was in my late 20s at the time, and the dream was truly a nightmare.  It felt like I had lost my best friend.

After I studied my dream for a while I realized that the car was much more than a machine.  It was my freedom, it got me places.  It took me away from bad situations, it took me to work, to see my friends, to see my family.

When I was fourteen my mother put me behind the wheel of her big car and told me to drive.  We were on a highway between Houston and Laredo, Texas.  It was terrifying.  When I tell other people that she did this they are aghast.  What was my mother doing!  I remember driving slowly with much concentration.  My mother was in the car with my six year old brother.  She told me that I should learn to drive just in case there was an emergency. 

In the late 1950s she drove herself everyday for six months from a small town into downtown Houston, so that she could take a college course.  It was a 30 mile drive.  It was really something. Other women just didn't do that at the time.  My aunts didn't drive until later.  I had one aunt that never did learn to drive.  And of course my grandmother's didn't drive.

I can thank my Mom for being so gutsy before Feminism came about.  Without her daring I would not have made my scores of trips from Houston to Monterrey Nuevo Leon in the late 1990s.  It was a 10 hour drive and I often made it alone -  I was working on my PhD dissertation research.  Although I do have to admit that she had an anxiety attack if I didn't call her the minute I got to my destination.

The Saudi women that are driving today have my support.  Its time they step out into the world, into freedom...MTHdz


Saudi women encouraged to drive Friday

June 17, 2011 -- Updated 0748 GMT (1548 HKT)

(CNN) -- Saudi women are being encouraged to challenge the status quo and get behind the wheel Friday...
The day is expected to be a test of wills -- and authority -- between police and the campaign, which has been publicized by Facebook, Twitter and other social media. It was not clear late Thursday how many would participate...

In Spanish: From Richest to Poorest - Haiti

Salvando a Haití, la perla de las Antillas

Después del terremoto de 2010, se ha constatado el aumento de los flujos migratorios de haitianos hacia Latinoamérica y el alza del tráfico humano

ANA LORITE | Madrid 10/06/2011
¿Cómo es posible que en solo dos siglos, Haití, la perla de las Antillas, una de las colonias más ricas del mundo, haya pasado a ser el país más pobre del hemisferio occidental? Una concatenación de desastres políticos, sociales, económicos y naturales han convertido a este país de 27.750 kilómetros cuadrados en uno de los más atrasados del planeta.
Que el mundo no se olvide de Haití es el empeño de todos los que allí trabajan por su recuperación. Y que los miles de haitianos, que se han visto forzados a huir, especialmente después del terremoto que asoló en enero 2010 el pequeño país caribeño, sean considerados refugiados y no simplemente migrantes por razones económicas, es el objetivo del Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados (SJR)...mas

Book:  The Impact of the Haitian Revolution, Edited by David Geggus

In Spanish: Buying Soldiers - Comprando Soldados

REPORTAJE - El Pais - Madrid

La guerra, cada vez más privada

Libia es el nuevo hábitat de mercenarios contratados por Gadafi y empresas de seguridad militar occidentales - El negocio mueve 100.000 millones al año

SILVIA BLANCO - Madrid - 17/06/2011

John Edward López, colombiano de 24 años, es uno de los numerosos exmilitares de su país que en las últimas dos semanas han contestado a una peculiar oferta de empleo en Internet. Se trata de trabajar como mercenario en Emiratos Árabes Unidos durante al menos un año. En el anuncio se requiere experiencia en combate. Él dice tenerla. "He estado en el Guaviare y Meta [zonas con presencia de las FARC]" y, agrega, no tiene miedo del riesgo que podría suponer este trabajo. El sueldo prometido es de 2.550 dólares al mes, cinco veces más de lo que ganaba hasta ahora.
La palabra mercenario es tan controvertida como las actividades que el gremio lleva a cabo por el mundo. Llámense contratistas o empresas de seguridad militar privadas, están en plena expansión y vivieron su propia burbuja con las guerras de Afganistán e Irak. Entre 2001 y 2006 brotaron más empresas y se consolidaron las grandes multinacionales estadounidenses y británicas, que controlan el 70% del sector. Hoy, el negocio mueve 100.000 millones de dólares anuales (70.000 millones de euros), según la ONU...mas

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Adopting a Dog

If you live anywhere near Houston - consider adopting a dog from Barrio Dogs - a non-profit that rescues dogs from Houston's East End neighborhood.  In the photo below is "Copper" - who needs a home.  Contact them at

From BarrioDogs

For many months, rescue Copper has been in a very good foster home.  The current foster has several rescues and is doing their share, more than many.  We need to move Copper back to boarding, but would rather not.  With your help, let's find him a home.

Meet Copper – This volunteer favorite has been in our program for nine months and has lived more horror than any creature should know.  Heartless humans placed Cooper inside a dumpster at Sherwin Williams located in 2nd Ward, Houston, TX.  He was found by a store employee dehydrated, starving, and with multiple medical conditions.

This amazing hound has endured a lot in his short life.  His most formative puppy days were spent recovering, but is now healthy and at a good weight and just needs that right home. 

Cooper is a lovely dog, just needs a special friend that can show him the way with patience, companionship and love. We don’t doubt he can grow into the dog he was meant to become.

DREAM Act Supporters: Democrats Shouldn't Count On Us In 2012

WASHINGTON -- Six months after the Senate voted down a bill to provide legal status to some undocumented students, DREAM Act supporters are mobilizing for 2012, hoping to hold Democrats accountable for failing to pass the bill last year... 


Its true -- how can DREAMer supporters think of supporting Obama or any other Democrats in 2012?  The bill has been paraded and quickly dropped so many times.... it is clear its just a game the Democrats are playing to get more Latino votes...MTHdz

In Spanish - More on E-Verify

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Dos proyectos de ley paralelos, fueron presentados ayer en el Congreso, para hacer obligatorio el uso de E-Verify en el país, antes de que los empleadores contraten nuevo personal.

Muchas veces lo que se presenta en el Congreso no llega a nada.....  pero vamos a ver.  MTHdz

In Spanish: The Double Invisibility of Immigrants

Denuncian doble invisibilidad de inmigrantes

Una fundación señala que algunos no tienen ni acta de nacimiento de su país de origen
  • Por EFE |
  • 2011-06-16
  • | La Opinión       
  • Los Ángeles (EFE).- Los latinoamericanos a los que por diversas razones sus padres no registraron sus actas de nacimiento viven al emigrar a EEUU doblemente indocumentados, según ha puesto de manifiesto la Fundación Derecho a la Identidad...

The Foundation "Derecho  a la Identidad" of Costa Rica has published a statement about the many immigrants in the United States who have a double invisibility - because their parents have not registered their births...MTHdz

Southern Baptists Supporting Immigrants

Southern Baptists approve path to legal status

By TRAVIS LOLLER The Associated Press
Updated: 3:49 p.m. Thursday, June 16, 2011
Published: 3:41 p.m. Thursday, June 16, 2011

— The Southern Baptist Convention has passed a resolution advocating a path to legal status for illegal immigrants...


The Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Arizona has passed a resolution to "stop bigotry" and "minister to all people regardless of immigration status" ---  which does not sound like the headline given by the Austin American Statesman, but sometimes mis-speaking is a good thing...  MTHdz

In Spanish: The War in Mexico

Calderón: en radio y tv no hay concesión de orden político

Al anunciar que a partir de hoy radiodifusores podrán comenzar migración a la radio digital, el mandatario exhortó a hacer un periodismo responsable, que tome en cuenta el interés nacional y coloque temas en su justa proporción.
Claudia Herrera Beltrán Publicado: 16/06/2011 10:43

México, DF. A partir de hoy los radiodifusores podrán comenzar la migración a la radio digital terrestre como parte de un acuerdo publicado por la Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones, anunció el presidente Felipe Calderón al señalar que no entrega concesiones con motivos políticos.

Al entregar 75 refrendos de concesiones a la industria de la radio exhortó a hacer un periodismo responsable, que tome en cuenta el interés nacional y la importancia de colocar temas en la justa proporción, considerando  lo que esté en juego en el país.

A partir del nuevo acuerdo, explicó que todos los radiodifusores podrán iniciar la transición anhelada a la radio digital con calidad a la de un disco compacto, también les permitirá aprovechar el espectro radioeléctrico para que se puedan enviar más señales en el mismo ancho de banda, con lo que se podrán diversificar los contenidos para los radioescuchas.

Como la transición hacia radio digital apenas empieza en el mundo aseguró que México se coloca en el mimo nivel de las naciones más desarrolladas.

Destacó que los refrendos de concesiones se entregaron bajos criterios aprobados por la Cofetel que han cerrado la puerta a la discrecionalidad que prevalecía en el pasado. "Nunca más serán motivos políticos los que determinen si una concesión de radio se otorga o no", declaró.

Indicó que su gobierno avanza en la transición de AM y FM y ya ha entregado 292 autorizaciones para iniciar esta transición, cantidad que representa la mitad de las solicitudes recibidas.


Se puede creer cuando la violencia se acaba.  Tristemente no hay esperanzas.