150 walked through the Cannon Congressional Building on Wednesday (Sept. 12). The group, with Saul Arellano at the front carried the Virgen of Guadalupe. I think this is the first time she's been on capital hill. The photo in the previous post shows her in the background. I wish I could see a better photograph of her with the protesters.
Boy Leads Protest Over Deported Mother
The Associated Press
Thursday, September 13, 2007; 12:58 AM
WASHINGTON -- An 8-year-old boy whose mother was deported to Mexico led a chanting crowd of about 150 pro-immigration activists through the halls of Congress on Wednesday. Capitol Police arrested two demonstrators for disorderly conduct.
Saul Arellano and other children carried a banner that read: "Born in the USA. Don't take our moms and dads away."
...The boy's mother, Elvira Arellano, was deported last month after taking refuge in a Chicago church for a year.
In Tijuana, Mexico, across the border from San Diego, Elvira Arellano spoke about her son to several dozen demonstrators. Saul was scheduled to join her there Thursday.
"He is a boy who has been suffering because the U.S. government told his mother she couldn't stay in their country anymore because she was undocumented," she said.
In Washington, activists clashed with police outside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chanting and shouting for her to lead on immigration reform. Saul appeared to get enveloped in the shoving crowd.
Demonstrators taped two oversize letters to Pelosi's door _ one in English and one in Spanish _ warning her, "If Democrats expect our support in the next election, the Democrats must support us now."
Immigration reform legislation died in Congress this year and isn't expected to be revived anytime soon. Pelosi, D-Calif., was in Oregon on Wednesday for a forum on global warming.
The crowd went to Pelosi's office after a news conference where they prayed, denounced deportations and broke into chants of "Si, se puede!" or "Yes, we can!" Saul drew on a piece of paper and sometimes ducked behind a desk. Asked by a demonstrator whether he wanted to speak, he shook his head no.
...Protesters left the Cannon House Office Building after police threatened more arrests.
For complete article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/12/AR2007091202792.html
photo: http://www.allroadsministry.com/images/ladyBig.jpg
1 comment:
report and deport -- your moderation policy stinks.
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