Former Attorney General Janet Reno Speaking at Harvard
Janet Reno to recognize Gomez brothers effort
Posted on Sun, Sep. 09, 2007
Miami Herald Staff Report
Kendall resident Janet Reno, former Miami-Dade state attorney and U.S. attorney general, will speak at the Tuesday meeting of the Democratic POWER political club.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Miami, 7701 SW 76th Ave. The public is invited.
Local youth who recently advocated against the deportation of their classmate from Killian High, Juan Gomez, will be recognized for their attempt to influence government policy, the club said.
Immigration officials have granted Juan and his brother Alex Gomez an additional 30 days in the United States, giving them more time to plead their case before Congress.
The Gomez family was ordered deported back to Colombia on July 25, because they do not have legal immigration status. But an intensive lobbying effort by Juan Gomez's friends and lawmakers resulted in a 45-day stay. That extension expires Friday. The additional 30 days gives the Gomez family until Oct. 14.
For more information, call Ray Bruno at 954-675-8536.
article: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami_dade/south/story/230058.html
photo: http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2000/11.30/photos/05-reno-275.jpg
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