Loudon County Supervisor James G. Burton
James G. Burton spoke his mind at a meeting last week. He spoke about immigration and how integral it is to the economy of Virginia. Supervisor Jim Clem from Leesburg responded with "It really upsets me to hear what you read, and I truly hope you didn't write it," Clem said. "That is a pure violation of the laws we all live by." (from September 5, 2007 article in Washington Post).
This is probably one of the milder comments Burton is receiving. Thank you James Burton. We hope the price you pay is not too high.
Just to mention, the title of the article is saying not much happened, I disagree. James Burton's speech was supremely important.
Considering the presence of the KKK in the area, maybe pro-immigrant supporters didn't show up because of the danger involved in fighting the KKK style political system of Virginia.
At Immigration Session, Much Ado for Naught
By Sandhya Somashekhar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 9, 2007; Page LZ01
...Supervisor James Burton (I-Blue Ridge) delivered an impassioned commentary about the complexity and sensitivity of the illegal immigration issue, which he said was anything but clear-cut.
Many of his colleagues have blamed illegal immigrants for problems such as escalating crime and high taxes. But in a prepared statement, Burton said data he received from the county Sheriff's Office show that less than 1 percent of criminal prosecutions in Loudoun involve illegal immigrants.
Then he said: "It appears to me that the immigrants, documented or undocumented, are an integral and vital part of our local economy, filling jobs that no one else wants -- jobs that are absolutely necessary for our economy to flourish."
The comments drew criticism from some of his colleagues, especially Jim Clem (R-Leesburg), who told Burton: "I'd be totally embarrassed to read that thing. I hope to heck you didn't write it."
Burton is hardly alone in taking such a stance. The U.S. and Loudoun chambers of commerce, as well as labor groups, have said that efforts to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants could harm the economy. Even U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff warned this summer of "serious" economic consequences if illegal immigrants are purged from the workforce.
But with illegal immigration shaping up as a key issue in this fall's Loudoun elections, Burton said he knew he was taking a risk by making such a statement.
"I thought about all that," he said Wednesday. "But I can't let that kind of thing dictate what I do as a supervisor. It's the easiest thing in the world to go along with the crowd. But if you don't believe the crowd is headed in the right direction, I think there is an obligation to at least speak your piece. And that's what I did."
For complete article:
photo: http://www.co.loudoun.va.us/bos/bios/jb.htm
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