The Wild Bunch Administration directs Wild Bunch Immigration Raids. It make sense. Totally logical that the administration is encouraging these out of control raids to punish Congress for not passing Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Homeland Bunkers and Alien Litterbugs
New York Times
Published: October 13, 2007
...The current homeland security secretary, Michael Chertoff, was memorably overwhelmed by Katrina, and he has since been too often a study in executive whimsy. Recall the eerie statement of his own “gut feeling” that a terrorist attack could occur perchance last summer. More recently, Mr. Chertoff defended the administration’s fence along the Mexican border as an environmental boon because illegal migrants are such litterbugs as they skulk toward opportunity. “I’ve seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas,” he rued.
Statements like that should make Americans look up in wonder at what sort of expert insights their taxes are subsidizing. Congress already has had to head off the homeland department’s plan to create its own spy satellite program for tracking threats from nature, terrorists and illegal intruders. Lawmakers were rightly wary that it was yet another way for this administration to invade citizens’ privacy and mangle civil liberties.
...Under this administration, it can veer from the Wild Bunch immigration raids lately terrifying innocent citizens, to the bizarre plan of Huntsville, Ala., for a mammoth fallout shelter for 20,000 people..
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