Saturday, November 8, 2008

For Obama

As La Opinion tells us, Latino voters supported Obama.  It is his turn now to support us.  Among the great financial meltdown and so many other problems, immigration has disappeared from Obama's list.  Today's New York Times listed a few priorities - immigration was noticeably absent:

New York Times
November 8, 2008

...Mr. Obama repeated on Saturday that his first priority would be an economic recovery program to get the nation’s business system back on track and people back to work. But advisers said the question was whether they could tackle health care, climate change and energy independence at once or needed to stagger these initiatives over time...more


Translated from La Opinion - Los Angeles
Editorial: It's Time for Obama to Come through for Latinos

La Opinión, Posted: Nov 07, 2008 Review it on NewsTrust

LOS ANGELES -- Latino voters supported Obama, and now they expect him to come through for them, according to an editorial in La Opinión. The first thing to do, editors write, is to bring a halt to the current policy on immigration raids and sponsor changes in immigration law. Immigration reform must be a front-burner priority for the administration’s first year. Editors write that setting the issue aside for a later time is "unacceptable": It is a commitment to voters and must be honored. Latinos came through in response to Obama’s call, the editorial concludes. Now the incoming Administration must come through for them.

More than 10 million Latinos voted on Tuesday, compared with 7 million in 2004. Of these, 66 percent voted for President-Elect Barack Obama. This vote was decisive in the Democratic Senator’s victory in states like Florida, Nevada and New Mexico, with their large Hispanic populations, and in Virginia and Pennsylvania, where they made the difference in very close races which were finally decided for Obama.

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