Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fort Hood

Hassan Akbar was not thinking of what would happen to his fellow Muslims when he decided to shoot 43 people on November 5, 2009. True, he was despondent over being sent to the Middle East. He had also been listening to horrific stories of returning soldiers experiencing Post Traumatic Stress.

The ramifications of this are yet to be seen. Will this increase racial profiling at airports? Will it be more difficult for Muslims to enter our military?

Perhaps Akbar had lost his reasoning ability. I just wish he would have thought of a less violent way to protest.

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Robert Salaam: One man’s actions will affect loyal US Muslims

Friday, 6 November 2009 - London Independent

There isn’t a word to describe the heartache, pain, and sheer disgust that I felt when I woke up yesterday morning. A Muslim serviceman can always expect to face questions about his loyalty. When I was in uniform, for instance - a converted black sergeant from New Jersey - a converted black sergeant from New York, Hassan Akbar, turned on his fellow soldiers and murdered two of them.

I served with professionals, and the most I got from my fellow Marines was a few off-colour jokes. But I count myself among the fortunate. I wouldn’t want to imagine what it’s like for Muslims serving now – especially those at Fort Hood. You pray there won’t be any issues. But you can’t be sure. link to LI article

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