Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My father used to say he would never hire a woman

Well, my father is not a white guy, and he used to say this twenty years ago... but I wonder how much of this attitude is still around. He used to say that if he needed to hire a professional person for his business, it would not be a woman. He says he has changed his mind since then, but I wonder what he really thinks inside.

Catherine Crier is saying that many men still feel the same (at least she says the white guys do) - she believes they are the swing vote. I think it is divided by generations. Just as younger men are more open to flexible roles at home, they are at work also. It's the older guys I would wonder about (and not just the white guys, believe me). Many know enough to avoid sounding sexist... they keep their old ideas to themselves until they go to the polls.

The problem comes in when you find an older guy who doesn't want a woman or an African American; if an old Democrat is really entrenched in his ways, there isn't much choice except to go over to McCain.

What About The White Guys?

Huffington Post
Catherine Crier
Posted February 6, 2008 | 09:13 AM (EST)

As they analyze the Democratic primaries, pundits focus on women, African Americans and Latinos. What about the white male? In the privacy of the voting booth, where will the white men go in November? Hillary Clinton should be worried.

Look at the match-ups. Examine Democratic and Independent voters. Democratic women are not going to abandon their party regardless of the nominee. Nor will Latinos. African Americans may lose some enthusiasm without Obama. Young people, notorious for sitting on the sidelines, may as well. But what about white men? When given the choice between Clinton and McCain, I believe many moderate and conservative Democrat/Independent males will vote for the old soldier. His narrative, the maverick aviator, speaks to them. That may not be true if Obama is on the ballot. As he gains support among white males, the exit polls show the real hidden bias may be gender, not race.

As we examine shifting alliances and lay bets on the general election, my swing vote is the Democrat/Independent white male. To paraphrase Abigail Adams, "don't forget the laddies".

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