Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kay's DREAM Act Dance

Stop dancing Senator Hutchison - its not becoming of a Senator.


Kay Bailey Hutchison's Dream Act dance


 Friday, December 17, 2010 - Washington Post

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has been tying herself in knots over the Dream Act. The Texan reflects the predicament of many of her Republican colleagues from states with large Hispanic populations.

Dream Act supporters have homed in on Hutchison and a handful of other Senate Republicans to vote for the House-passed act in the lame-duck session. So far, Dick Lugar of Indiana and Bob Bennett of Utah are the only ones to have signaled they will vote for the bill, making its prospects bleak.

Refusing to give up, 16 demonstrators were arrested at Hutchison's office in my former home town of San Antonio. Others have been pressing at her offices in Dallas and Washington. Some have fasted for weeks...more

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